As temperatures start to warm up and you start looking forward to backyard barbeques, remember that summer can be the most damaging season for our hair. The long days on the beach, and the dips in pools and oceans, can dry out your hair and leave it looking limp and lifeless. 

One of the keys to avoiding lackluster locks is by putting an end to bad hair care habits once and for all. Here are three habits you might want to consider breaking: 


The sun is known for its harsh UVA and UVB rays that can damage both our skin and our hair.  The harsh summer rays can result in dryer and more brittle hair, leaving you with fragile strands that are susceptible to longer term damage. This is especially true if you color your hair. 

To protect your hair from fading and drying out in the sun, you should wear a wide brimmed hat or scarf, and expose your curls only when you’re in the shade or after sunset. This has the added benefit of protecting your scalp too, which can be helpful if you have thin hair. 


The summer generally means that you’re going to spend time doing more things outside, like pickleball and beach volleyball. Those activities often mean that you will tie your hair in a ponytail, but did you know that overly tight hairstyles – ponytails, braids, buns, and the like – can pull on our strands and cause breakage? Take care of your hair by styling it into loose knots and braids, and steer clear of tight elastic bands, which can cause real damage. Think soft hair ties or bobby pins!


If it’s hot outside, that probably means you’re going to work up a good sweat, even when you’re doing something as simple as drinking iced tea on your patio. It might be tempting to wash your hair every time you sweat – even multiple times per day – but shampooing your strands too often can strip your hair of the necessary oils it needs to look shiny and feel strong. Try to shampoo every other day if you can, and be sure to use Routine Conditioner every time you shampoo to ensure that you hydrate and moisturize your hair.

When you do wash your hair, be sure to apply the conditioner a couple of inches from the scalp keeping in mind your main concern is the hair shaft and ends. In addition, we recommend you comb the conditioner through with a wide tooth comb or wet brush for even distribution so every hair strand gets what it needs, especially if you are washing your hair frequently during the summer.   

Finally, you may want to consider using Routine Hair Serum once or twice per week, since it can moisturize your hair and provide balance to your scalp microbiome.