5 Ways To Avoid Frizzy Hair


Some days, it can seem like there’s no good defense against frizzy hair, especially if you’re in an environment that is hot or humid. To combat frizzy hair, it’s best to understand why it happens in the first place. Frizzy hair is caused when the cuticles of our hair – the outermost layer – lifts up and causes our hair to look dry and puffy. “When examined under a microscope, a healthy cuticle lays down smooth, like the scales of a fish,” explains a dermatologist we spoke to. But if your hair becomes dry or damaged, the cuticles lift up, and resemble a pine cone instead. 

While some people tend to have more frizzy hair than others, we all experience frizz in environments that stress our hair.  Here are five steps to unfrizzing that mane: 


The number one way to prevent frizzy hair is to hydrate your hair. In order to do that, use hair care products that are rich in nourishing oils like Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Coconut Oil. In fact, we use all three of those oils in Routine Shampoo & Conditioner specifically to hydrate your hair. 


When you shampoo your hair, your focus should be on cleaning your scalp and roots. When you condition your hair, your focus should be on hydrating it. If you’re experiencing dry hair, make sure you use more conditioner than you have in the past, and keep it on your hair for longer than you have been.

After showering, keep the frizz at bay by brushing your hair while it is still damp. Not only will this be easier than when it’s dry but it’ll also make styling your hair that much more manageable. 


Heat is just as bad for your hair as it is for your skin. Try to wash your hair in lukewarm or cold water if you can stand it. If you get frequent blowouts, hair color treatments, or chemical processes, you may have dry and damaged hair. Try to minimize the time you use heat on your hair, and use a blow dryer with a diffuser attachment if possible. 


Once your roots are dry, pat the rest of your hair using an old t-shirt rather than a towel. The cotton from your t-shirt will be smoother than your towel, and will help prevent the cuticle from lifting up. Keeping the cuticle flat and smooth helps control frizzy hair after a shower.


Before styling your hair, run a bit of Routine Hair Serum through your hair. The serum is made from nourishing oils like Rose Hip Oil, Avocado Oil, and Jojoba Oil.  It will smoothen your cuticles, reduce frizz, and boost shine.