5 Steps To Longer & Healthier Hair


If you’ve got fine hair, you can probably attest to staring at the long and luscious locks of your neighbor or coworker and feeling a bit envious. Long hair feels like a superpower, but with the right treatment and focus, the superpower can be one that you can achieve too. 

The approach to achieving longer and thicker looking hair is two-fold: first, we want to repair any damage that you may have, and second, we want to encourage faster, thicker hair growth. Before beginning though, it’s important to remember that hair only grows about a quarter to half an inch per month, so patience and consistency are key to getting your hair where you want it to be.

Here are 5 tips to help you restore that youthful looking hair: 


For those who have been washing their hair every day for years, you can keep doing this! Your hair and scalp have gotten accustomed to the nourishment that comes from daily washing, and changing your routine now will cause a readjustment you (and your hair) may not want to go through. That said, most people don’t need to wash their hair everyday. It may seem crazy that a company that sells shampoo like Routine would tell you to stop over-washing your hair, but we’re serious. Over-washing can strip your hair of the necessary oils it needs to look shiny and feel strong, and can even cause irritation. Try to shampoo every other day if you can, and be sure to use Routine Conditioner every time you shampoo to ensure that you hydrate and moisturize your hair after cleansing it.


Trying to shampoo less doesn’t mean you should skimp on the conditioner on those days where you do wash your hair. Conditioner is meant to provide your hair with strength, softness, and shine. In addition, our research suggests that while most people use too much shampoo, they don’t use enough conditioner. 

And while many people with fine hair may think that conditioner will weigh down their hair and prevent it from looking full, we’ve specifically formulated Routine Conditioner to avoid that fate. Don’t make the same mistake – be sure to use enough conditioner to adequately moisturize and restore your hair!


Stimulating your scalp and the roots of your hair will increase circulation and blood flow to your hair follicle, in turn providing a healthier scalp microbiome. You can massage your scalp wet or dry, but we recommend pairing your massage with Routine Hair Serum


While the blow dryer or heated styling tools may make it easier to shape and manage your hair, it’s also incredibly drying. Heat is a major factor to dry, dull-looking hair, as it strips your hair of its natural moisture. Don’t use heating tools everyday, particularly during the summer when the hot and dry summer air can already act as a hair dryer. 


While there hasn’t been enough research done about the benefits of silk pillowcases, you’ve probably heard many anecdotal stories about the benefits of silk pillowcases.  Silk works better than cotton since it reduces the friction and pulling on your hair as you sleep, leading to less hair fall overnight. Similarly, silk hair ties will help reduce creasing, pulling, and tangling to reduce hair damage too.