The Case for Coconut Oil


In the past few decades, coconut oil has gained a cult-like following among those interested in bettering their health. People can’t get enough of coconut oil – it can be found in everything from shampoos and conditioners (including Routine Shampoo & Conditioner), to lotions and even foods. Coconuts can be a great addition to your life, including to your beauty routine.

But what about coconut oil makes it just so good? The answer is simply everything! Here’s everything you need to know about coconut oil, and why we use it!


Coconut oil is an oil made from the inner fibers of coconuts. It is made by dehydrating the inner flesh of the coconut, and then pressing the remaining fibers in order to release the oil.

It’s important to note that coconut oil is different than coconut water and coconut milk, although all three  products are used in the beauty industry today. Coconut oil is made by pressing the inner flesh of the coconut plant, while coconut milk is made by macerating the inner flesh and soaking it in water. Finally, coconut water is the juice found inside the coconut that is often consumed as a beverage.


There are several different methods to manufacture coconut oil. The most common method produces refined coconut oil. During manufacturing, the coconut or extracted oil (or both) are treated by bleach, heat, or other chemicals in order to increase yield.

Unrefined coconut oil, often referred to as virgin coconut oil, is sourced by pressing dried coconut fibers without treatment of any kind. We use only unrefined coconut oil in Routine Shampoo & Conditioner. In addition, as a result of cold-pressing the fibers as we do, the valuable fatty acids and antioxidants from the coconut are more likely to remain intact in the oil as compared to other methods of manufacturing.


Coconut oil is almost entirely comprised of saturated fats, which are excellent at moisturizing your hair. If your hair is dry or damaged, shampoos and conditioners with coconut oil can help alleviate the issue.

Similarly, coconut oil can be used to help manage frizz and flyaways. Frizzy hair generally occurs when the outer layer of the hair shaft is raised instead of flat, which gives the appearance of frizzy hair. This is a terrible cycle, because frizzy hair actually allows more moisture to seep out of your hair as a result of the expanded surface area, meaning that frizzy hair and dry hair are inextricably linked to each other. Shampoos and conditioners rooted in coconut oil can help tame frizzy hair without being overly heavy and weighing down hair.

That’s why we use coconut oil in every bottle of Routine Shampoo & Conditioner!